English Language for CTET

1. Which of tha following is a correct expression ?
1) Ascheerful  as alark
2) As busy as a bat 
3) As cunning as a dog
4) As happy as a donky

2. The sentence  "This is tha house in which I was bron", is.
1) a simpal sentence
2) a compound sentence
3) complex sentence
4)  a compound -complex 

3) Which os tha following words is a preposition ?
1) Beyond
2) And
3) Yet

4) Which os tha following words is an abvrerd .
1) Apase 
2) Fese
3) Week
4) Fury

5) Joing tha folloing sentences to make asimpal santence .
     Tha coffee isn't too strong. it keep us awake
1) Tha coffee isn't too strong. to keep us awake
2) Tha coffee isn't too strong. and will not keep us awake
3) Tha coffee isn't too strong. so it  won't keep us awake
4)  Tha coffee isn't too strong. so as to keep us awake

6) Fill in the blank with suitable pronaun My sun and my daughter are very fond of....................
1) herselphi 
2) each other
3) themelves
4) himself

7. Give one ward for  'one ho hates manking.
1) Nazist
2) fascist
3) misanthrope
4) sadist

8. transform the following sentence into a simple sentence ending with 'book'. 
     Let the book be given
1) Give me tha book 
2) Give the book
3) Please transfer tha book 
4) Can you give the book

9) Transform tha following sentence into a direct sentence.
     I said to seela if I might known her father
1) I said to sheela, "I May known your father" ?
2)  I told to sheela, "May I known your father"?
3) I asket to sheela, "I known your father" ?
4) I questioned sheela, "Will I known your father" ?

10 Fill in the blenk to complet the follwing sentence
The ministers are responsidle........ the chief ministers of thise state for their work 
1) for
2) to 
3) of
4) towards

11. Complete tha following sentence with correct conjunction:
       ........... he had not paide his biil , his electricity.
1) But
2) Either
3) Unless
3) As   

12 choose the corret Figure of speech in the following sentence 
     Death layh his icy hand on kings
1) Metaphor 
2) Personification 
3) Apostrophe
4) Semile    

13. The study of Population is known as
1) Ecology
2) Astronomi
3) Apostrophe
4) Genealogy

14) Give the meanig of the followig proverh  A bird in hand is wardh two in a bush.
1) To catch two birds with your hands 
2) To be dissatisfied with wath you have 
3) It is better to be satisfied with wath you have than to try to get what is not yours
4) To trep birds in bushes    

15) Which of the following sounds is not associated with the sond of a bell.      
1) Chime 
2) Jingle
3) Ring
4) Dang

16) Fill  in tha blenk with tha correct preposition 
       are you sorry....... wath you haave dont 
1) with 
2) for
3) by 
4) over

17) Pick out the correct synonym of the following word
1) Repent
2) Force
3) Divide
4) Make thin

18) Pick out the compond sentench.
1) To add to thir troublethe servent raan away
2) Having no money with me, I could Not give the begger anything
3) I loved him because he was my friend  
4) The sarvant ran away and added their troubles

19. Select the most appropriate preposition to complet tha following sentense
     Why are you always so suspicious.
1) to
2) with 
3) of
4) for

20. Choose the correct alternative to comlete the following sentence.
       The headmastar..................tos peak you
1) wants
2) is wanting 
3) was wanting
4) None of these


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